Summer 2010

From the second Sunday of June through the first Sunday after Labor Day the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale enjoys a summer holiday from formal activities.

A daily quote keeps members and friends in a thoughtful state of mind, as well as engaged in meaningful reflection.

If a particular quote inspires you, please leave an appropriate comment. In this fashion, though we won't be meeting face to face, we can engage in a virtual conversation.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Joseph Wood Krutch

Sorrow is the child of Memory and of Anticipation... Sometimes it is said that Eternity must be more like Now than anything else we can imagine.

from Epilogue, The Great Chain of Life


  1. Wow is this confusing! I need to think about this for a bit...

  2. It has something to do with a bird...a cardinal...a cardinal that has no memory and no feelings of anticipation...At least it is good to know that a cardinal has neither of these...
