Summer 2010

From the second Sunday of June through the first Sunday after Labor Day the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale enjoys a summer holiday from formal activities.

A daily quote keeps members and friends in a thoughtful state of mind, as well as engaged in meaningful reflection.

If a particular quote inspires you, please leave an appropriate comment. In this fashion, though we won't be meeting face to face, we can engage in a virtual conversation.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Donald Culross Peattie

I say that it touches a man that his blood is sea water and his tears are salt, that the seed of his loins is scarcely different from the same cells in a seaweed, and that of stuff like his bones are coral made. I say that physical and biologic law lies down with him, and wakes when a child stirs in the womb, and the sap in a tree, up rushing in the spring, and the smell of the loam, where the bacteria bestir themselves ind darkness, and the path of the sun in the heaven, these are facts of first important to his mental conclusions, and that a man who goes in no consciousness of them is a drifter and a dreamer, without a home or any contact with reality.

from "April 1," Almanac for Moderns

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